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[Translate to English:] Energie aus der Natur


from Nature

[Translate to English:] Tunnel- und Bautechnik
[Translate to English:] Tunnel- und Bautechnik


and Construction Technology

[Translate to English:] Misch- und Injektionstechnik
[Translate to English:] Misch- und Injektionstechnik

Mixing- &

Injection Technology

[Translate to English:] Abwassertechnik mit Qualität
[Translate to English:] Abwassertechnik mit Qualität


Technology with Quality

Waterflex 10 - Water supply container


Pumps, Turbines and Systems

Pumps and systems for municipal water supply, sewage treatment plants, process pumps for industrial applications and sanitary installations.

Tunnelling and Construction Technology

Pumps and systems for all tunnelling applications. Pure Water, dirty water, submersible pumps. Drainage, fire fighting, and cooling systems.

Mixing- & Injectiontechnology

Grouting systems for consolidation and impermeabilisation of soil and rock. It becomes possible to build on difficult soil and rock thanks to modern processes.


Fairs and events